Partnership between divisions and Fraser Health Authority improves patient-centred care

On September 22, 2016, family physicians in BC began receiving electronic notifications about acute care data via their EMR systems, thanks to the Information for Coordinated Care (ICC) Project - a partnership between the Fraser Health Authority and the region’s divisions of family practice. Based on a need for better-coordinated care, Fraser Health now provides family doctors with the option of receiving acute care notifications – including select emergency data and inpatient admissions, discharges and transfers (ADT), and deaths – directly via their EMR.

ADT notifications from Fraser Health Meditech are sent to the appropriate provider’s EMR via the Excelleris results distribution service and physicians wishing to opt out can do so by contacting Excelleris. Physicians without EMRs can still view these notifications online by starting a Launchpad account with Excelleris.

The selection of the specific data set for these notifications was driven by the family doctors in the Joint Interdivisional-Fraser Health IM/IT Working Group, which was consulted by the ICC Project team. For questions about the ICC Project, please contact