Residential care: Local solutions. Community reform.

The residential care initiative is expanding province-wide. The initiative is designed to enable physicians to develop local solutions to improve care for patients in residential care facilities.

The FPSC’s expansion of the initiative builds on the successes of five divisions that participated in the prototype project. These divisions have already experienced significant developments to their local care services including reduced hospital rates, higher quality of care, and improved patient and provider experiences.

The FPSC has earmarked up to $12m annually to support divisions in designing local, scalable, and sustainable solutions that cover all residential care facilities in about 104 BC communities.

To get started, divisions may each access up to $7,000 for planning local residential care services. And, as early as July 1st, a quarterly lump sum incentive will be available to assist divisions with implementations of their local solutions.

If you want to get involved with the residential care initiative, visit the FPSC website or contact the FPSC Residential Care Working Group.