Sunshine Coast Division of Family Practice


Doctors and Clinics | Divisions of Family Practice | Sunshine Coast Division

There are currently thirty-six doctors with family practices here on the coast. They are located in five clinics located in Gibsons, Wilson Creek and Sechelt. In addition, Pender Harbour Community Health Center serves residents of Pender Harbour with nurse practitioners and itinerant physicians from Sechelt.

There are also a variety of specialists on the Coast including internists, ophthalmologists, gynecologists, general surgeons, and oncologists. Most of the Coast Family Physicians work both in the community and at the hospital and many have developed sub-specialties in their work.

See details of Sunshine Coast Medical Clinic Hours here

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Doctors Accepting Patients | Divisions of Family Practice | Sunshine Coast Division

For an up to date list of doctors currently accepting new patients, Fetch BC is your best resource.

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Services | Divisions of Family Practice | Sunshine Coast Division

A list of medical and community services for residents of the Sunshine Coast is maintained by Fetch BC.

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Resources| Divisions of Family Practice | Sunshine Coast Division

Here is a listing of several resources we think are important for residents seeking assistance.

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