Victoria Divisions of Family Practice

EMR Patient Summary Templates

For family physicians, TiC has partnered with the Practice Support Program to build EMR-specific templates. These templates will make it easier for family physicians to quickly gather important information to include in the summary, so that they can spend their time reviewing it and determining what additional information will best support the acute care stay (e.g. assessments, notes about family/ caregivers, advance care plans, etc.) instead of spending most of their time copying and pasting information manually just to populate the basics (medications, past history, etc.).

Currently, the following templates are available:


Instructions about how to access and upload the templates and generate a patient summary  

Downloadable Oscar template:


Instructions about how to access and upload the templates and generate a patient summary  

Downloadable Intrahealth template:

Instructions about how to attach documents/results to an Intrahealth Patient Summary for upload to EMR Connect

Watch this page for links to additional templates as they become available.